张晖 等:Environment, Development and Sustainability,2021(23)
更新时间:2021-07-31 点击次数:2760

作者: Hui Zhang,Shuang Wu,Yi Yu,Lei Lei

题名: Effects of payments for watershed services policy on economic growth: a case study based on the synthetic control method

期刊:Environment, Development and Sustainability ,2021(23)

摘要:Payments for watershed services (PWS) can provide financial incentives to the watershed water environment protection in upstream regions. It is necessary to understand the influence of watershed ecological protection on economic development. In this paper, taking the Xin’anjiang River basin as a case, synthetic control method was used to analyze the effects of PWS policy implemented in Huangshan City from 2012 on its per capita GDP. The results showed that the PWS policy had a negative effect on per capita GDP in Huangshan City, which was reduced by 1.73%. It indicated that the payments were not enough to offset the opportunity cost of upstream regions, proving that the conservation of the environment was at the expense of sacrificing economic growth. However, the ecosystems and society benefited from the PWS policy. Attention should be paid to balance the economy, ecology, and society in the process of development. In addition, compensation fund and market-based mechanisms could be applied to help alleviate the pressure of government finance to realize the social economy sustainable development.