
王梅玲,女,中共党员,经济学博士,毕业于韩国檀国大学,美国印第安纳大学访问学者,南京大学博士后,南京林业大学经济管理学院副教授、硕士生导师。曾承担过面向全英文留学生(本科、研究生)的课程,如:International Economics CooperationDevelopment EconomicsAcademic Lecture等全英文课程。长期担任Journal of Environmental Planning and ManagementInformation Technology for DevelopmentEnergy Research & Social ScienceSSCI期刊匿名评审。



[1]Wang, M. L.*, et al. (2024). Do factor market distortions inhibit the green innovation efficiency of the manufacturing industry? A mechanism and heterogeneity. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Online. (SSCI,FMS列表B级期刊)

[2]Wang, M. L.*, et al. (2024). Assessing the impact of big data on green innovation resilience in manufacturing enterprises: Evidence from China's national big data comprehensive pilot zonePolish Journal of Environmental Studies, Accepted. (SCI)

[3]Wang, M. L.*, et al. (2024). Can entrepreneurship in the new era promote green innovation efficiency? evidence from manufacturing enterprises in China. Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, Online. (SSCI, 高质量科技期刊(T3))
[4]Wang, M. L.*, et al. (2024). How can carbon trading promote the green innovation efficiency of manufacturing enterprises?. Energy Strategy Reviews, 53, 101420. (SCI, 中科院2区,IF=8.2

[5]Zhu, C. H., Wang, M. L.*, et al. (2024). The impact of carbon emissions trading policy on green transformation of manufacturing industry: A test based on a time-varying DID model. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 10, 984612. (SSCI)

[6]Wang, M. L.* (2023). Effects of the green finance policy on the green innovation efficiency of the manufacturing industry: A difference-in-difference model. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 189, 122333. (SSCI, 中科院1区 TOP, IF=10.884, ESI 高被引)

[7]Wang, M. L.*, et al. (2023). Effect of information and communication technology and electricity consumption on green total factor productivity. Applied Energy, 347, 121366. (SCI, 中科院1区 TOP, IF=11.2)

[8]Wang, X., Wang, M.*, Pang et al. (2023). Does producer services agglomeration affect environmental quality? New findings from a spatial spillover effect analysis. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 66(8):1601-1621. (SSCI)

[9]Pang, S. L., Wang, M. L.*, Hua, G. H., & Liu, Y. Q. (2022). Towards a greener future: How do R&D factor market distortions affect green total factor energy efficiency?. Advanced Sustainable Systems, 6(7), 2200026. (SSCI)

[10]Wang, M. L.*, Ntim, V. S., et al. (2022). Effect of institutional quality and foreign direct investment on economic growth and environmental quality: evidence from African countries. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istra?ivanja, 35(1), 4065-4091. (SSCI)

[11]Mei Ling Wang, Silu Pang, Feng Wang*, Xin Guo, Zhengxia He (2021). The dynamic interaction between OFDI and home country industrial upgrading: Regional difference in China, Growth and Change,52(4), 2293-2317. (SSCI)

[12]Mei Ling Wang, Zihui Yin, Silu Pang, & Zilian Li*(2021). Does Internet development affect urban-rural income gap in China? An empirical investigation at provincial level, Information development,39(1):107-122. (SSCI)
[13]Mei Ling Wang*, Silu Pang, Ikram Hmani, Ilham Hmani, Cun Fang Li, & Zhengxia He* (2021). Towards sustainable development: How does technological innovation drive the increase in green total factor productivity?. Sustainable Development, 29(1), 217-227. (SSCI, 中科院1区, IF=12.5)
[14]Mei Ling Wang*, Wei Wang, Shen Yue Du, Cun Fang Li*, & Zhengxia He (2020). Causal relationships between carbon dioxide emissions and economic factors: Evidence from China. Sustainable Development, 28(1), 73-82. (SSCI, 中科院1区, IF=12.5)
[15]Wang, M., Park, N., & Choi, C. H.* (2020). The nexus between international trade, FDI and income inequality. Journal of Korea Trade, 24, 18-33. (SSCI)
[16]Meiling Wang, & Changhwan Choi* (2019). How information and communication technology affect international trade: a comparative analysis of BRICS countries. Information Technology for Development, 25(3), 455-474. (SSCI)
[17]Wang Mei Ling, Qian Qiu, & Chang Hwan Choi* (2019). How will the Belt and Road initiative advance China’s exports?, Asia Pacific Business Review, 25(1): 81-99. (SSCI)
[18]Meiling Wang, & Changhwan Choi* (2018). How logistics performance promote the international trade volume? A comparative analysis of developing and developed countries, International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation, 7(1): 49-70. (International Journal)
[19]Meiling Wang, & Changhwan Choi* (2016). Analysis on causal relationship between international arbitration and foreign direct investment: A comparative analysis of China, Korea, Japan, Mongolia and United States, Journal of Korea International Commercial Review, 31(4): 451-470. (KCI, Korean Citation Index)
[20]Meiling Wang, & Changhwan Choi* (2016). Determinants of economic growth: A comparative analysis of Asian countries, Journal of Korea International Trade & Commerce, 12(5): 167-184. (KCI, Korean Citation Index)
[21]Meiling Wang, & Changhwan Choi* (2016). An Analysis on the economic growth of Africa’s ODA, FDI, and exports, Journal of Korea International Trade & Commerce, 12(2): 295-304.(KCI, Korean Citation Index)
[22]Meiling Wang, Narantsetseg, & Changhwan Choi* (2016). An analysis on anti-dumping system: A comparative analysisof South Korea, China, Mongolia. Journal of Fair Trade, 52 (December 2016): 98-124. (学术论文)


[1] 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目政府补贴对制造业绿色创新韧性的影响机理、效果评估与政策优化研究 (72304141) 2024.01-2026.12.

[2] 主持国家社科基金后期资助一般项目 “中国制造业绿色创新效率的影响机制研究 (23FJLB008) 2024.01-2025.12.

[3] 主持江苏省社会科学基金一般项目 “数字化赋能江苏制造业绿色创新韧性的机制与路径研究 (23EYB002)” 2023.07-2025.12.

[4] 主持中国博士后科学基金第69批面上项目 “新一代信息技术驱动制造企业绿色转型的机理与路径研究 (2021M691517)” 2021.05-2023.12.

[5] 主持江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究一般项目 “制度创新驱动江苏省制造业绿色转型升级的机制与对策研究 (020SJA1027)” 2020.09-2021.12.

